Monday, September 24, 2007

Horace in Eldoret

I spoke with my Father yesterday afternoon. It was so good to hear his voice. He woke up at 1:00am his time to call our family when he knew we would all be at my house. If you did not know, my family gets together every Sunday around 1:00pm to have lunch and pray. This is when my Dad called.

I have to admit that I hung up on him at first. I am terrible about seeing a number that looks like a telemarketing number and just hanging up. The minute I did it I knew I should have waited a moment longer. Thankfully, he called back.

If you have never called anyone overseas, you have never experienced the "delay". It makes conversation very challenging.

The first thing Dad asked was what we had for lunch. I thought this was very entertaining. I understand he is missing American food right now. I asked him what he had for lunch and he told me minced beef (basically hamburger) with a can of pork and beans dumped over the top and cornbread muffins on the side. Not sure what I think about that meal. Doesn't sound too appetizing. Although my brother, Josh, thought it sounded good.

Dad took time to talk with all of us. He asked each of us about the important issues in our lives and answered any questions we had. It was not long enough, but after three weeks, it was just good to talk with him.

As I am sure you all know, the rest of the family leave very early Saturday morning. It you would like to hear Mom's view on these proceedings go to Leister's Kenyan Life. Let my mom know you are thinking about them by leaving a comment. Remember you are just as much a part of this as they are. They would never have been able to do it without you.

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