Dear Prayer Team and friends of our Prayer Network,
We have seen many changes in the past few months ending 2008 and entering 2009. None of this should surprise us as all eights are linked to new beginnings, changes and suddenlies and that is exactly what we witnessed. The people of America wanted a change so that is what they voted for. The economy made a huge shift in September 2008. We have seen many changes – political, governmental, business, and wealth.
We are in a very important time in history and how our nation goes depends largely upon how the Church will respond to God’s call to pray. No matter how we voted or what political candidate we favored we are commanded in 1 Tim. 2:1, 2 to “first of all pray for kings and those in authority over us.” This means that our first priority in prayer should be our President and others in positions of authority “that we might live peaceful lives.”
I have felt impressed by the Lord to send out “Prayer Directives.” I know that all of you are already praying for our President and nation, but there is power in agreement – many voices saying the same thing. These directives will change monthly or bi-weekly as the Holy Spirit directs. The directives will align with one of the mountains of influence or mind-molders of our society. The first directives will be for the mountain of Government.
If you would like to receive these “directives” please just respond to this email at and say yes you would, otherwise I will take your name off this list.
Our government is in transition. We should all feel proud that an African American has been elected President. But if you check out what the new government policies would be for the White House, go to and go to the sections on Civil Rights and Family you might be grieved as I was.
Church we need to pray! Here are a few things that are posted:
Support for the LGBT (lesbian/gay/bi-sexual/
Expanded hate crimes bills. These are the type of bills that stop all “hate speech”, such as pastors preaching against homosexuality
Support of Full Civil Unions and Federal Rights for LGBT couples
Opposition to a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage
Repeal “Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell” policies in the military
Expand adoption rights for same same-sex couples
Expand Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Opposition any constitutional to overturn Roe v. Wade
Increased funding for abortions
God is calling up the “Reserve.” A Reserve is troops held out of action for use in an emergency. Chuck Pierce called this reserve the “Triumphant Reserve.” He said they will reform and transform society in the midst of this chaotic, crisis filled time.
Thank you for praying,
Blessings and love,
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