Thursday, May 10, 2007

This is a reply to a thank you for speaking at our Monday night meeting. We recorded it, so if you are interested you can pick one up at the Healing Rooms after tonight.


Thank You! It is something that has been on my mind and heart, and I really think it is something I needed to share. A lot of people really do not know about the history or culture of the Nez Perce or Native Americans. One of the main things that caught my attention, gained my interest and to be more active was after a presentation I did with students from a Lewiston Elementary about 5 or 6 years ago. The students in the class asked me how I got down there, how it was to live in a tipi, why I was dressed the way I was, etc. At first, I thought it was funny, but after thinking about it for a while, I started looking more into it. If the children are thinking that, what are their parents saying or telling them? If kids right here on or just off the reservation think the things they do, what do other people around the world think? It wasn't funny, and it wasn't because the kids were prejudice or being funny. They just didn't know. Nobody has taken the time to show or tell them. For years, I think people, Native and non-Native, have assumed that the other person or people know our history and culture, but to tell you the truth, for a lot of students, they only hear or learn about Native Americans in the 4th grade. Plus, as I mentioned during my presentation, there has been a lot of abuse, hatred, misunderstanding, fighting, bad feelings, finger pointing and blaming done right here in our area, and they are things that have been passed on because we didn't deal with them.

When I first walked into the room the other night, I could feel His presence, and when Pastor started singing, I knew what I was going to say and share was something that needed to be said. There are a lot of hard feelings for Native and non-Native people, and some people, despite who they are or what they do, haven't been able to forgive or let those things go. There is a lot of misunderstanding on both sides. We are pointing our fingers and blaming people rather than focus on the real enemy. The enemy is the one who wants us to fight, break each other down and destroy each other. That's been his plan from the beginning, but Jesus came to give us life and to give it more abundantly. He, our Lord, wants to bless us exceedingly, abundantly and above all we can ever ask or think, but we have to come in alignment with Him. The Bible says he who is faithful with little will also be faithful with much. Right now, because of how we are and the intentions that we have, we aren't ready for what He has for us. We are satisfied and content on what we have and what He has given us, but once we realize and understand what He really has in-store for us, this isn't anything.

I really believe that a lot was released the other night even for me. I fought a lot of people in the Lewiston/Clarkston area while I was growing up and during my drinking days, and I've experienced a lot of things. I hurt a lot of people, and the words and the things that people have done to me and other Native Americans was really painful and hurtful. I really believe when we get a better understanding of each other some of those barriers, divisions, feelings and thoughts go away. When we held hands, stood together and sang that healing song with the drum, we reunited. We came together, broke down those walls and barriers, and we destroyed and disconnected the chains and strongholds the enemy had on and over us. We broke it, and I really believe that the "dove" was a sign and representation of peace. Something happened the other night. A new leaf was turned over and new life has started for all of us. I don't think we even know the magnitude of what we did and what happened the other night. It was huge, but it is a sign and a reassurance for me to know that, "IT HAS BEGUN." I can't really explain everything, but the process with the "Hidden or Sleeping Giant" has begun. It took an act like coming together and standing together that started the process. It isn't only about the Native people. It is about all of us. We have to come together. Like Pastor said, we are the body and we are a representation or role model for the people. If we can't even come together, what does that make other people think about us? When people see us come together and stand together, they know something is happening and they will know that He is real.

I think one of the biggest things we have to do is forgive, and part of this process is apologizing. A lot of it starts with education and letting people know the truth. There were a lot of things done the wrong way for the wrong reasons, and there were a lot of promises broken. Things that we really do not have any control over, but when we know, we have a better understanding of why people do and think the things they do. The enemy has caused enough confusion and distraction, but we broke it. Now, we can continue on together as one. I love you, guys!


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